Habermas, J. (2023). A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere and Deliberative Politics (C. Cronin. Trans)
| 2024.10.08
| Asian Communication Research
Issues and Challenges of Qualitative Research Methods Education in Communication
| 2024.10.08
| Asian Communication Research
The current research undertook in-depth interviews with 13 undergraduates majoring in communication to explore how they understood qualitative research methods and how they perceive the value of the methods after taking a qualitative research methods course. Thematic analysis of the data showed that students identified in-depth interviews as valuable tools that provided honest answers from the people of interest. Students came to understand the strengths and uniqueness of each data-gathering method with their perception changed after taking the course. However, they still found qualitative research methods to be difficult and challenging. The findings suggest that contextual factors negatively influenced the students’ evaluation of qualitative methods; nonetheless, participants still wanted to learn qualitative methods well to boost their skills for the job market. Interviews also revealed that the knowledge and skills in quantitative research methods influenced students’ understanding and evaluation of the methods. Based on these findings, the current study suggests ways in which instructors could strengthen qualitative methods courses to gain more leverage in undergraduate programs. Topics for follow-up studies are suggested and their implications are discussed.
Understanding the Internet Water Army: Domain, Characteristics, Purposes, Messages and Affordances, and Consequences
| 2024.10.08
| Asian Communication Research
The Internet and social media bring many benefits to individuals, groups, organizations, and society. However, some users, groups, agents, businesses, institutions, and governments also manipulate and deceive the online environment, fostering negative consequences. This article describes one specific manifestation of this phenomenon: the Internet Water Army, a growing Internet/social media phenomenon, especially in China. There has been no robust framework for referring to the Internet Water Army, nor an integrated social science review of this type of Internet/social media user, thus creating gaps and contradictions in discussions and research about it. First, the article defines, with examples, first the general domain of organized multiple online postings or contributions, second thecontributions, the more specific domain of paid posters or influencers promoting misinformation, and third the particular case of the Internet Water Army. Then, the explanation identifies four central dimensions of the Internet Water Army?characteristics (user demographics and activities, organization and process), purposes (at individual, organizational, and political levels), messages (content and valence) and an affordance (visibility), and consequences (desirable/(desirable/undesirable, direct/indirect, and anticipated/unanticipated)?with a wide variety of examples. The article ends with a discussion of several theoretical perspectives that could increase our understanding of phenomena such as the Internet Water Army.
Can Chinese Pastoral Videos be Effective for Promoting Foreign Viewers’ Travel and Word-of-Mouth Intention? Exploring Characteristics of Chinese Influencer, Attributes of Content, and the Mediating Role of Parasocial Interaction
| 2024.10.08
| Asian Communication Research
This study investigates how the attributes of Chinese Pastoral Videos (CPVs) content and the characteristics of CPVs influencer affect viewers through parasocial interaction (PSI) on intention to visit China and intention of Word of Mouth (WoM) about CPVs. Results from an online survey with a US sample (NN = 405) revealed that physical attractiveness and familiarity of CPVs influencer, along with informativeness of CPVs content, were positively associated with travel intention. Only trustworthiness of CPVs influencer was positively associated with WoM intention. Second, physical attractiveness, trustworthiness, and familiarity of CPVs influencer, along with technicality of CPVs content, were positively associated with behavioral PSI. Informativeness, technicality, and entertainment of CPVs content, along with physical attractiveness and familiarity of CPVs influencer, were positively associated with cognitive PSI. Third, cognitive and behavioral PSI were positively related to travel intention and WoM intention. Finally, cognitive PSI significantly mediated the relationships among characteristics of CPVs influencer, attributes of CPVs content, travel intention and WoM intention. Meanwhile, behavioral PSI significantly mediated the relationships among characteristics of CPVs influencer, technicality of CPVs content, travel intention and WoM intention. This study highlights the potential effectiveness of Chinese pastoral videos in promoting cultural export, including cultural diffusion and visits to China.
Over-the-Counter Medicine Advertising and Behavioral Responses in the South Korean Context: Roles of Health Consciousness, Attention, Attitude, and Subjective Health Knowledge
| 2024.10.08
| Asian Communication Research
In South Korea, the market for over-the-counter drug advertising (OTCA) has been increasing in recent years; however, research on OTCA has received scant attention from a psychological perspective. Identifying the antecedents and underlying mechanisms of behavioral responses to OTCA helps us understand how consumers engage in health-related decisions. This study focused on a notable theoretical framework that determines behavioral responses to OTCA. Specifically, this study examined the sequential relationship between health consciousness, attention to OTCA, attitude toward OTCA, and behavioral responses to OTCA. It also tested the boundary conditions of the effect of attitude toward OTCA on behavioral responses by examining the moderating role of subjective health knowledge. A nationwide online survey was conducted. The results showed signifificant dual mediating effffects of attitude and attention on behavioral responses. However, subjective health knowledge did not signifificantly moderate the sequential relationship between attitude toward OTCA and behavioral responses. These fifindings have implications for strategy, policy, and practice in both public health fifields and the advertising industry. Advertising practitioners and healthcare professionals can gain valuable insights into how to enhance consumers’ health-related decision-making for sustainable health promotion.
Unveiling Secrets to AI Agents: Exploring the Interplay of Conversation Type, Self-Disclosure, and Privacy Insensitivity
| 2024.10.08
| Asian Communication Research
This study investigated the dynamics of user interactions with AI agents, specififically delving into the impact of conversation types that users hold with an AI agent on self-disclosure and privacy insensitivity toward AI agents. The present study also examined the interplay of conversation types with attitudes toward the machine (i.e., perceived humanness and intimacy perception). Results exhibited that both functional and emotional conversations with AI agents were signifificantly associated with self-disclosure to AI agents. The more functional or emotional conversation a user made with AI agents, the more likely the user was to disclose his/her information to the devices. And, the impact of emotional conversation was found to be significantly greater than that of functional conversation. Yet, only emotional conversation was associated with AI privacy insensitivity. The more a user made emotional conversations with AI agents, the more likely the user was insensitive to privacy issues related to AI agents. Moreover, perceived humanness played a role in strengthening the relationship between functional conversation and self-disclosure, whereas emotional conversations with AI agents were more positively related to AI privacy insensitivity when users perceived the agents as human-like. Discussion and limitations were further addressed.
Reconsidering Prospect Theory in Health Communication: Interplay of Certainty with Different Types of Framing
| 2024.10.08
| Asian Communication Research
While framing studies in health communication research are grounded in prospect theory, there are deviations from the original prospect theory in three major areas: (1) the conceptualization of risk as susceptibility/severity rather than certainty, (2) the presentation of outcomes of difffferent events in gain- and loss-framed messages rather than difffferent aspects of the same outcome, and (3) the use of participants’ ratings as outcome variables instead of participants’ choice of one option over the other. To understand the implications of these discrepancies, two randomized experiments were conducted within the context of obesity policy support. In experiment 1, participants were asked to rate their support for policies. With a framing approach consistent with prospect theory (called prospect-theory framing in this study), participants’ ratings were marginally signifificant but in a consistent pattern with prospect theory; however, no effffect was found with the framing approach described in health communication literature (called persuasion framing in this study). In Study 2, participants were asked to choose one policy for obesity over the other, revealing a result aligning with the prospect theory predictions. These fifindings underscore the inflfluence of both framing conceptualization and outcome measurement on observed framing effffects.
하버마스, J. (2023). 공적 영역과 심의 정치의 새로운 구조적 변화 (C. 크로닌. 트랜스)
| 2024.09.09
| Asian Communication Research
커뮤니케이션 분야 질적 연구 방법 교육의 이슈와 과제
| 2024.09.09
| Asian Communication Research
The current research undertook in-depth interviews with 13 undergraduates majoring in communication to explore how they understood qualitative research methods and how they perceive the value of the methods after taking a qualitative research methods course. Thematic analysis of the data showed that students identified in-depth interviews as valuable tools that provided honest answers from the people of interest. Students came to understand the strengths and uniqueness of each data-gathering method with their perception changed after taking the course. However, they still found qualitative research methods to be difficult and challenging. The findings suggest that contextual factors negatively influenced the students’ evaluation of qualitative methods; nonetheless, participants still wanted to learn qualitative methods well to boost their skills for the job market. Interviews also revealed that the knowledge and skills in quantitative research methods influenced students’ understanding and evaluation of the methods. Based on these findings, the current study suggests ways in which instructors could strengthen qualitative methods courses to gain more leverage in undergraduate programs. Topics for follow-up studies are suggested and their implications are discussed.
인터넷 워터 아미 이해하기: 영역, 특성, 목적, 메시지 및 어포던스, 결과
| 2024.09.09
| Asian Communication Research
The Internet and social media bring many benefits to individuals, groups, organizations, and society. However, some users, groups, agents, businesses, institutions, and governments also manipulate and deceive the online environment, fostering negative consequences. This article describes one specific manifestation of this phenomenon: the Internet Water Army, a growing Internet/social media phenomenon, especially in China. There has been no robust framework for referring to the Internet Water Army, nor an integrated social science review of this type of Internet/social media user, thus creating gaps and contradictions in discussions and research about it. First, the article defines, with examples, first the general domain of organized multiple online postings or contributions, second thecontributions, the more specific domain of paid posters or influencers promoting misinformation, and third the particular case of the Internet Water Army. Then, the explanation identifies four central dimensions of the Internet Water Army?characteristics (user demographics and activities, organization and process), purposes (at individual, organizational, and political levels), messages (content and valence) and an affordance (visibility), and consequences (desirable/(desirable/undesirable, direct/indirect, and anticipated/unanticipated)?with a wide variety of examples. The article ends with a discussion of several theoretical perspectives that could increase our understanding of phenomena such as the Internet Water Army.