본 연구는 해방 이후 미군정기 3년 동안에 미국이 한국에서 전개했던 다양한 선전·문화 활동 가운데 특히 도서 번역 활동에 초점을 맞춘다. 따라서 이 연구는 먼저 해당 시기에 미국의 도서번역 활동이 어떤 역사적 맥락에서 어떤 과정으로 전개되었는지 개괄적으로 조명한 후에, 실제로 어떤 성격의 도서들이 어떤 방식으로 번역출간(역간)되었는지 구체적으로 분석할 것이다. 결론에서는, 추가적으로 이러한 도서들의 역간이 한국의 출판계와 독서계, 그리고 한국인들의 의식에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지 논의할 것이다. 자료 분석 결과, 1946년 이후 미국이 한국을 이념적 전쟁터로 간주해 선전?문화 활동을 강화할 무렵부터, 군정청의 일부 부서와 관리들에 의해 도서 번역 활동이 시작되었고, 1947년에 설립된 미국공보원에 의해 미국무성의 도서 번역사업이 본격적으로 시행된 것으로 파악되었다. 미군정기에 미국의 직?간접적인 관여로 역간된 도서는 총 10종을 넘지 못했지만, 그것들은 모두 미국식 자유민주주의를 전파하고 소비에트 공산주의를 비판하는 내용의 도서들이었고, 번역과 출판 뿐 아니라 배급 과정에서도 미국의 집중적인 지원을 받았던 것으로 드러나, 한국 출판계와 독서계의 지형을 바꾸고 한국 국민의 이념적 정향에도 적지 않은 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 추정되었다.
This study focuses on the book translation efforts of the U.S. as a part of its propaganda and cultural programs to build up an anti-communist bridgehead during the U.S. military occupation of South Korea for 3 years since August 1945. This study tackles three main questions: first, in what context and in what manner the book translation efforts were performed by the U.S.; second, in what procedure each of those books was translated to be published and what characteristics did each of those books have; finally, what influences did the translated books leave on the minds and thoughts of the Koreans. This study analyzed the documents collected from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration(NARA) and some major Korean libraries. It was found that the U.S. book translation efforts started in accordance with the reinforcement of the U.S. propaganda and cultural activities in 1946, when Korea came to be regarded by the U.S. leaders as an ideological battleground. At that time, some departments and their officials of the U.S. Military Government in Korea initiated the translation of U.S. books. And the Office of Civil Information(OCI), which was established under the commander of the U.S. Army Forces in Korea in 1947, was also involved in the book translation program of U.S. Department of State. Although the total number of those books translated through the efforts was less than 10, they were evaluated to be pretty effective in influencing the ‘minds and thoughts’ of the Koreans by attacking the Soviet communism and promoting American liberal democracy.
This study focuses on the book translation efforts of the U.S. as a part of its propaganda and cultural programs to build up an anti-communist bridgehead during the U.S. military occupation of South Korea for 3 years since August 1945. This study tackles three main questions: first, in what context and in what manner the book translation efforts were performed by the U.S.; second, in what procedure each of those books was translated to be published and what characteristics did each of those books have; finally, what influences did the translated books leave on the minds and thoughts of the Koreans. This study analyzed the documents collected from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration(NARA) and some major Korean libraries. It was found that the U.S. book translation efforts started in accordance with the reinforcement of the U.S. propaganda and cultural activities in 1946, when Korea came to be regarded by the U.S. leaders as an ideological battleground. At that time, some departments and their officials of the U.S. Military Government in Korea initiated the translation of U.S. books. And the Office of Civil Information(OCI), which was established under the commander of the U.S. Army Forces in Korea in 1947, was also involved in the book translation program of U.S. Department of State. Although the total number of those books translated through the efforts was less than 10, they were evaluated to be pretty effective in influencing the ‘minds and thoughts’ of the Koreans by attacking the Soviet communism and promoting American liberal democracy.
1. 머리말
2. 미군정기 미국의 도서 번역 출판 활동의 전개
3. 군정청 부서와 관리들의 도서 번역 출판 활동과 역간 도서의 성격
4. 미국공보원의 도서 번역 출판 사업과 역간 도서의 성격
5. 맺음말
2. 미군정기 미국의 도서 번역 출판 활동의 전개
3. 군정청 부서와 관리들의 도서 번역 출판 활동과 역간 도서의 성격
4. 미국공보원의 도서 번역 출판 사업과 역간 도서의 성격
5. 맺음말
#미국 도서 번역
#U.S. Military Occupation of Korea
#Cold War
#book translation