본 연구에서는 국가적 위험 상황에서 언론에 보도된 위험 루머와 정부의 루머 대응 전략을 검토하고자 커뮤니케이션 모델인 SMCRE 모델을 바탕으로 선행연구를 정리하고, 2008년 부터 2017년까지 10년간 국내 일간지에 보도된 위험 루머의 특성과 대응전략을 체계적으로 살펴보았다. 전체 기사 1,188건을 분석한 결과, 위험 루머 주제는 건강 위험 주제가 가장 많이 보도되었다. 루머 정보원(S)으로는 일반 시민이 가장 많이 언급되었으며, 루머 유형(M)은 유령형 루머, 부정적 루머, 미래적 루머 그리고 우연히 발생된 루머가 많이 언급되었다. 루머 품질은 이성적 루머와 상상 루머가 비슷하게 나타났다. 루머 확산 채널(C)은 온라인 미디어가 많이 언급되었다. 수용자(R)의 정서적 반응으로는 불안이 가장 많이 나타났다. 루머 효과(E)는 정치적 효과와 사회적 효과가 많이 언급되었다. 한편, 정부의 루머 대응 전략은 공격자 공격 전략, 반박 전략, 부인 전략이 주로 나타났으며, 루머의 위험 주제와 특성에 따라 다르게 확인되었다. 본 연구는 국가적 위험 상황에서 확산되는 루머의 특성을 파악하고 어떻게 정부가 대응해 왔는지를 탐구하여 차후 효과적인 정부 대응에 기초자료를 마련하고자 하였다.
An effective rumor response strategy is crucial for enabling the government to control the spread of rumors during national risks. However, there is a lack of systematic and comprehensive research about what types of risk-related rumors have been available and which rumor response strategies have been employed. Based on the Source-Message-Channel-Receiver-Effect (SMCRE) model, the current study, first, reviews the literature on rumors and, second, analyzes the contents of 10 years of media coverage on risk rumors. Analysis of 1,188 news articles yielded the following five results. (1) Health-related risks were most prevalent. (2) The most prevalent Source of rumor was lay people. (3) The most available types of rumor Messages were bogies, negative, future-oriented, accidental, rational and imaginary. (4) The most prevalent Channel of rumor was online media. (5) The most prevalent Receiver response was uneasy emotion. (6) The most prevalent Effects were political and social. Meanwhile, the most prevalent rumor response strategies were ‘Attacker-the-accuser’, ‘Refutation’, and ‘Denial’, and the use of each type of response varied across the characteristics of risk-related rumors.
An effective rumor response strategy is crucial for enabling the government to control the spread of rumors during national risks. However, there is a lack of systematic and comprehensive research about what types of risk-related rumors have been available and which rumor response strategies have been employed. Based on the Source-Message-Channel-Receiver-Effect (SMCRE) model, the current study, first, reviews the literature on rumors and, second, analyzes the contents of 10 years of media coverage on risk rumors. Analysis of 1,188 news articles yielded the following five results. (1) Health-related risks were most prevalent. (2) The most prevalent Source of rumor was lay people. (3) The most available types of rumor Messages were bogies, negative, future-oriented, accidental, rational and imaginary. (4) The most prevalent Channel of rumor was online media. (5) The most prevalent Receiver response was uneasy emotion. (6) The most prevalent Effects were political and social. Meanwhile, the most prevalent rumor response strategies were ‘Attacker-the-accuser’, ‘Refutation’, and ‘Denial’, and the use of each type of response varied across the characteristics of risk-related rumors.
1. 연구배경
2. 문헌연구
3. 연구문제
4. 연구방법
5. 연구결과
6. 결론 및 논의
2. 문헌연구
3. 연구문제
4. 연구방법
5. 연구결과
6. 결론 및 논의
#위험 루머
#루머 대응 전략
#Risk rumor
#rumor response strategy
#media coverage
#content analysis