본 논문은 최근 미디어를 통해 역사 속 대중들의 모습들을 발견하고자 하는 미디어문화사 작업이 여전히 ‘위로부터의 역사’에 머물고 있는 현실을 지적하고, 역사학자이자 문화이론가인 미셀드 세르토(Michel de Certeau)의 작업이 이상의 한계를 극복하는데 어떤 이론적 방법론적 함의를 갖는지 제시하고자 했다. 특히 본 논문은 푸코와 부르디외의 작업에 대한 비판을 통해 텍스트(언어)와 행위(몸)라는 이분법적 경계를 무화시키는 대중들의 실천성에 주목했던 세르토의 작업을 통해 대중들이 어떻게 역사의 타자가 아닌 주체가 될 수 있는지 보여주고자 했다. 텍스트(언어) 속에서 다층적인 행위의 공간을, 행위(몸) 속에서 다면적인 언어적 수사를 발견해 내는 세르토의 작업은 대중들이 이들 경계를 서성이고 침투하는 실천을 통해 어떻게 그들을 배제해 온 ‘일상의 경계를 허무는 주체’가 될 수 있는지 보여주는 섬세한 작업이다. 이상 세르토의 작업은 타자들의 역사를 어떻게 발굴할 것인가, 나아가 이들을 어떻게 역사의 주체로 위치지울 것인가를 고민해 온 미디어 문화사들에게 새로운 이론적 방법론적 일깨움을 제공할 것이다.
This study points out that the studies of Media Cultural History have a limitation that they have only examined "the history from the top," and searches for theoretical and methodological implications from the work of a historian and cultural theorist, Michel de Certeau in order to overcome such limitation. This study aims to show that the masses are not the Other but the subjects of history by exploring de Certeau"s work which focuses on the masses" practices breaking the dichotomy between text (language) and act (body), which is detected in the works of Foucault and Bourdieu. The work of de Certeau, which discovers a space of multi-layered behaviors from text (language) as well as multi-faceted rhetorics from action (body), is a sophisticated Art of Theory, which is able to reveal that the masses are the subjects who can break the boundaries in their everyday lives, which have excluded and suppressed them, through their practices hovering around and penetrating through the boundaries. To this extent, the work of de Certeau, which rejects drawing the boundary by discovering textuality of act and activity of text, provides the studies of Media Cultural History with epistemological sources to think of how to discover the history of the Other, and how to locate the masses as the subjects of history.
This study points out that the studies of Media Cultural History have a limitation that they have only examined "the history from the top," and searches for theoretical and methodological implications from the work of a historian and cultural theorist, Michel de Certeau in order to overcome such limitation. This study aims to show that the masses are not the Other but the subjects of history by exploring de Certeau"s work which focuses on the masses" practices breaking the dichotomy between text (language) and act (body), which is detected in the works of Foucault and Bourdieu. The work of de Certeau, which discovers a space of multi-layered behaviors from text (language) as well as multi-faceted rhetorics from action (body), is a sophisticated Art of Theory, which is able to reveal that the masses are the subjects who can break the boundaries in their everyday lives, which have excluded and suppressed them, through their practices hovering around and penetrating through the boundaries. To this extent, the work of de Certeau, which rejects drawing the boundary by discovering textuality of act and activity of text, provides the studies of Media Cultural History with epistemological sources to think of how to discover the history of the Other, and how to locate the masses as the subjects of history.
1. 들어가며
2. 역사의 주체, 대중의 발견
3. 텍스트와 행위, 경계의 넘나듦
4. 경계를 넘나드는 실천의 문화사를 향하여
2. 역사의 주체, 대중의 발견
3. 텍스트와 행위, 경계의 넘나듦
4. 경계를 넘나드는 실천의 문화사를 향하여
#미디어 문화사
#행위의 텍스트성
#텍스트의 행위성
#Studies of Media Cultural History
#Michel de Certeau
#textuality of act
#activity of text