이 연구는 1960년대 언론인 박권상의 언론학 연구에 대해 고찰하고 한국 언론학 연구사에서의 의미를 검토했다. 무엇보다 박권상은 서구의 자유언론이론과 그 대안으로 출현한 사회책임이론을 한국에서 처음으로 본격적으로 소개했다. 그의 매스커뮤니케이션이론 강좌도 당시로서는 가장 자세하고 체계적인 논의였고, 미디어의 근대화이론 연구는 그 부정적 영향을 지적하고 한국 현실을 검토한 깊이 있는 논의였다. 또한 그의 1960년대 한국 언론현실 분석은 언론현실에 대한 분석방법과 수준을 높여준 연구이며 언론인으로서 자신의 현장경험을 바탕으로 한 분석이라는 점에서 더욱 설득력 있다. 이와같이 한국 언론학 연구사의 초기 형성기였던 1960년대 박권상의 연구는 한국 언론계는 물론 한국 언론학계에 서구 커뮤니케이션이론의 이해수준을 높이고 그 한국적 적용 및 한국 언론현실 진단에 새로운 시각과 논의를 제공했다고 평가할 수 있다.
This study reviewed Park Kwon-Sang’s researches on journalism and communication studies in the 1960s, and examined its meaning in the research history of Korean journalism and communication studies. Above all he introduced in earnest the Western libertarian theory of the press and the social responsibility theory appeared as an its alternative to Korea. His mass communication theory course was most detailed and systematic at that time, and his study on modernization theory to the media was also a through discussion which considered Korean reality and pointed out its negative effect. His analysis of media situation in Korea of the 1960s also raised its level and standard. Moreover it was more persuasive in view of the fact that his analysis was based on hands-on experience as journalist. Thus Park Kwon-Sang’s researches in the 1960s, an early formative period of the research history of Korean journalism and communication studies can be evaluated to lift the level of understanding mass communication theory of the West in the world of the press as well as in media studies in Korea, and to give a new perspective in examining the Korean media reality and applying them to Korea.
This study reviewed Park Kwon-Sang’s researches on journalism and communication studies in the 1960s, and examined its meaning in the research history of Korean journalism and communication studies. Above all he introduced in earnest the Western libertarian theory of the press and the social responsibility theory appeared as an its alternative to Korea. His mass communication theory course was most detailed and systematic at that time, and his study on modernization theory to the media was also a through discussion which considered Korean reality and pointed out its negative effect. His analysis of media situation in Korea of the 1960s also raised its level and standard. Moreover it was more persuasive in view of the fact that his analysis was based on hands-on experience as journalist. Thus Park Kwon-Sang’s researches in the 1960s, an early formative period of the research history of Korean journalism and communication studies can be evaluated to lift the level of understanding mass communication theory of the West in the world of the press as well as in media studies in Korea, and to give a new perspective in examining the Korean media reality and applying them to Korea.
1. 문제의 제기
2. 박권상의 언론활동과 언론학 연구배경
3. 1960년대 박권상의 언론학 교육활동
4. 1960년대 박권상의 주요 연구주제와 내용
5. 1960년대 세 연구자와 박권상의 언론학 연구 비교
6. 1960년대 언론인 박권상의 언론학 연구의 의의
2. 박권상의 언론활동과 언론학 연구배경
3. 1960년대 박권상의 언론학 교육활동
4. 1960년대 박권상의 주요 연구주제와 내용
5. 1960년대 세 연구자와 박권상의 언론학 연구 비교
6. 1960년대 언론인 박권상의 언론학 연구의 의의
언론인 박권상
언론학 연구
journalist Park Kwon-Sang
research of journalism and communication studies
the 1960s